Welcome to Next Level PM.

We are passionate about Project Management. It is our pleasure to share our
best practice templates with you.

Explore our selection, download and get going. All templates are ready to use – no ads, no frills.
Templates designed by professionals for professionals.

  • Why Templates

    We all have had those situations when a colleague or our boss approaches us with the question: "I bet you have a template for our upcoming Steering Committee Meeting at hand?!".

    It is our mission to make your life easier. In our experience the demands are typically highly comparable. For example, a project summary slide for a Steering Committee covers the similar kinds of parameters - often even in a similar structure. Why to reinvent the wheel?

  • How They Help

    Aside from the 'making the lives easier for the users' aspect, a template can help to generate a more unbiased, comparable view on projects. Templates 'force' users to make clear statements without the possibility to 'tweak the story'.

    Truthfulness and factfulness are essential requirements for any project to stay on track. Using standardized ways of planning, tracking and reporting simlify the detection of project deviations. And when the facts are being bended a bit too much.

    Our user guidelines provided with each template explain in closer detail how to effectively apply them.

  • Where To Start

    Project Management is all about collaboration and leadership: aligning the objectives of a team and systematically maturing from A to B.

    It is less about 'academic perfection' but a lot about pragmatism. There is no Project Management Blueprint - every project is unique. The selection of Project Management tools (such as templates) needs to fit the purpose. Our broad portfolio of templates offer a tool for 90% of the demands of any project.

    Our recommendation: Select a few templates from our 'Basics Collection' to start with. Use them consistently and with high discipline. You will be surprised about the short-term effect and performace improvement of the team.

    Don't hesitate to drop us a note in case of questions or further advice.

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