Build Momentum, Accelerate and Scale

Stimulating momentum for change is difficult. This applies to large scale, complex changes such as organizational redesigns…but also to seemingly trivial changes such as introducing a new way of working or even a template. We can assure you: most individual are uncomfortable when being exposed to changes – regardless of impact or magnitude.

Especially in times when macroeconomic conditions are volatile, it’s essential to lead change. Project Management Offices (PMO) and Project Managers need to sense what kind of change is required. Once identified, it’s time for execution. We suggest you don’t ‘throw a new idea on the table’ but gradually create a sense of urgency and then take the needed steps to explain the underlying rationale and value-add. For many of our templates, the dominant value-add is twofold:

  1. Improved systematics and thus higher chances for replicated success across projects
  2. Efficiency improvements through a more focused way of working

Congratulations! Your team is on board and understands the need to try something new. Now keep this momentum and consistently use the newly introduced template. But don’t be surprised or frustrated when your teams are not hyper excited immediately. Instead, keep the discipline to use the template and make it a new habit of doing the work.

Letters on wall Future Starts Today

The positive effects from using the template will be visible very soon. The team will operate in a more focused, systematic and diligent way.

Successfully introducing a new template will lead the way to further improvements. It’s the groundbreaker that will help to accelerate change in organizations and teams. Leverage the experience from the first successful introduction in one project and scale beyond.