Leading Your Project Team

Leading cross functional teams is probably one of the most challenging jobs of any Project Manager. In a situation where there is typically no solid reporting line at hand special skills are required - and some effective tools and templates help to boost leadership effectiveness.

The most valuable piece of insight might not be a surprise: You cannot lead people with pressure or incentives. This does not work effectively in normal solid line relationships, and it does definitely not work in projects. 

The key to success is to starts with

  • "Why do we want to pull off this project?"
  • "What is in for us?"
  • "How will we individually benefit from successfully delivering on our commitment?"

The Project Manager is the one to help the team clarify the expectations and continuously refocus every member. 

Best Practice - Team Meetings

Most people are driven by the desire to contribute and add value. The easier a Project Manager makes it for the members of the team, the more effective will their contributions into the project be. Tools and template make leading project teams easier:

  • A RASCI clarifies who is accountable for which task and avoids 'working for the garbage bin'
  • A Meeting Charter helps to synchronize on the purpose and expected outcome of a meeting. Those who join will understand more clearly in which way their participation is required...and they might potentially excuse themselves from the meeting
  • The Action Item List bring claritiy on the agreed tasks, lowering the risk of double work or delays which slow down other team members. Holding each other accountable creates a strong sense of belonging to a group
  • A Milestone Chart helps to focus the team's attention on the key milestones that are to be achieved in the predefined time frame. Meeting such due dates reduces the likelihood of overtime, evening and weekend work...and allows your team to spend more time with their families and friends

There is not standard Leadership Model for project. Every project is unique, and every team has a specific need. However, a few things are universal to achieving success. We encourage you to explore your way how to lead your project team.